Joey Diamond wants to know what you thought
about his snippet for his single "Simple Things."
Comment his personal myspace or myspace
music profile and tell him what you think.
He broadcasted with two of his friends
(Stella and Pork) for about 20 minutes.
If you missed the broadcast I'm sorry
but the archives have been deleted.
Add the JDiamondFans fansite at
I always have the latest updates and
let everyone know by posting a bulletin
when Joey will be broadcasting.
New video youtube video of Joey Diamond.
This video is on Joey's friend Stella's youtube account.
"NO on prop 8.
Honestly how can you call yourself holy if you discriminate others?
Who the hell are you to put a barrier on love?
I think being "HOLY" is about loving and respecting everyone and everything as it is.. Its pretty damn ignorant that this proposition even exists.. Yes right now Marriage is known to be "Between a Man and a Woman" it always has been.
But then again Slavery was also how it was back then..
Its called CHANGE. Psht
"Searching for something REAL surrounded by ARTIFICIAL" -Joey Diamond"