Yay! I'm back I've missed blogging about my most favoritest artist who I definately support 100% I'm sorry to everyone who was following my blog from the beginning and a big big hugeee sorry to Joey. I love you and would never stop supporting you as an artist. It just got so difficult for me to keep the blog up while I was in school. At first I was able to update pretty much daily because I wasn't going to school, but ughhh as soon as I started my online studies I became really stressed out :( so I had to stop and go on a little break from this. If anyone ever tells you going to school online is easy do not believe them. I am pretty much having to teach myself and thats veryyyyy difficult to do. Ughhh okay, but on a brighter note I am back for the summer. I'm working on some special stuff for JDiamondfans.com so please please please stay tuned and I will also get in contact with Joey soon and update you all on what exactly his talented self has been up to.
Much Love,