Wednesday, September 24, 2008

J.Diamond Photography, bulletins, studio time

Joey Dee posted two new bulletins today from his personal myspace account. It is now confirmed thanks to his bulletin what Joey Diamonds real account username is. Click here for the bulletin.

"subject: Come chat with me =]
My user name is "JoeyDiamondOfficial"
Dont let others try to fool you.

The Second Bulletin Joey posted today is titled "Helpful JoeyDiamond Sites." JoeyDiamondFan.Blogspot is mentioned on there. Click here for the bulletin.

Yesturday's post about J. Diamond Photography was wrong! Turns out I (Brandie) was right the first time. The "J" in Joey Diamond Photography does stand for Joey not Jek. Thanks for the correction Joey! The pictures are hella cute.

Joey was in the studio today. He wrote two new songs.
Can't wait to hear them! Here is a screenshot of the his status.


Anonymous said...

i am so addicted to his photos, do you know how he edits his pics? i hella would like to get the same photo editing software!
plzz, a big fan!